Our Raiders community team are grateful to still be coaching in schools, staying outside and safely managed within the Covid guidelines.
Here they are at Croftlands Infants School. The team are also coaching at St Columbas and Broughton Primary school this half term.

Advantage! With BAE – Barrow Raiders Community Foundation are back on Zoom, this time with our Raider Girls rugby development squad. Well done to all who took part, with Tee Ritson and Ruth Parker putting you through your paces! Same again next Saturday, 1-2pm.
Any girls, aged between 8 and 16 wishing to take part, please contact Siona at sionahartley@outlook.com or join our Facebook group ‘Raider Girls Rugby development squad’
Tee, Ruth and Siona from Barrow Raiders Community Foundation have been really enjoying delivering zoom fitness sessions working with Cumbria Care Services and our friends from the Barrow and Ulverston centres. The team introduced a bit of boxercise, as well as yoga and weights with Tee and aerobics and a quiz to finish with by Ruth.
Raid Runners, sponsored by Furness Building Society, got underway in Ulverston at the beginning of November.
Barrow Raiders Community Foundation
If any primary or secondary school would like to book the Raiders Community and Schools coaching team for curriculum time, or to support your after school wrap around care activities, contact our community manager Siona at sionahartley@outlook.com