Barrow Raiders Ladies will be holding an open trial on Sunday 12th December at the Matt Johnson Prestige Stadium where they are hoping to attract current and new talent to tackle Super League 2022 following their promotion at the end of the 2021 season.

Raiders extend the invite to the whole of Cumbria as the County’s only Super League representative and are particularly keen to attract athletes from different sporting backgrounds.

With the BBC, Sky Sports and the RFL’s own Our League channels all screening games the profile of the Ladies game has never been higher and there is a real opportunity for some stars to be born.

Barrow Raiders have shown their commitment by managing to entice the former Wigan and Grand Final winning coach, Amanda Wilkinson, to lead the group and the club is very ambitious to make progress to eventually challenge for the top honours in the game and produce international standard players.

The season begins in early March which gives Amanda enough time to put together her strongest squad to go in to battle for the early rounds of the Challenge Cup.

With the number of players at the club so high we will also be looking to provide extra playing opportunities outside of the league season to cater for all abilities and to help continue the growth of the women’s game.

To register for a place on the open trial day, please fill in the form below: